Expertech Bargaining Committe Memo Regarding VSP/RIO
→ 2024 Bell Craft and Service Bargaining Updates ←
To make it easier a list of Bell Craft bargaining updates will be posted below. The updates will still be added as bulletins and accessible in the normal bulletin archive but direct links to the pdfs will be below
John Churchill Golf Tournament

Local 43 at Shine Fore Kids Golf Tournament

Dear Unifor Bell members:
Last month, when Bell made the callous decision to cut 4,800 jobs – 9% of its workforce – affecting 800 of you, our members, we called them out.
The recent terminations are the latest move by Bell to eliminate our work, as the company continues to contract out, offshore work and erode jobs across Bell units.
As one of the country’s oldest companies, Bell played a historic role in connecting Canadians with a trusted place in homes across Canada. They have broken that trust with the betrayal of their dedicated workers.
We warned them we were going to fight back. And we’re ready to bring it to them in full force.
Today, we launched our new campaign, appropriately called, Shame on Bell.
View the campaign website Here.
Sign the petition on the campaign website and tell the Bell Board executives how disgusted you are with them and spread the word on social media with these shareables.
We will have worker testimonials coming soon on the site.
On March 19 in Ottawa, Bell execs will be called before the House of Commons’ heritage committee to answer for the job cuts.
Unifor will be there.
We will be holding a media conference and then we will take our voices to the streets of our nation’s capital to show Bell, their execs, politicians and the public that the company cannot hide, duck and run for cover.
We invite Bell locals in Ontario and Quebec who are within driving distance to join us. More details will be provided in the coming days.
In solidarity,
Lana Payne
National President
Len Poirier
National Secretary-Treasurer
Daniel Cloutier
Quebec Director
Local 43 at Rally to Protest Bell Job Cuts

→ 2023 Transervice Bargaining Updates ←
To make it easier a list of Transervice bargaining updates will be posted below. The updates will still be added as bulletins and accessible in the normal bulletin archive but direct links to the pdfs will be below
Unifor 43 fight for Public Health Care

→ BTS Cyber Attack ←
As previously announced BTS was a victim of a cyber attack that has potentially exposed the personal information of over 18000 members (past and present).
Anyone who has been employed by BTS since 2014 potientially had their personal information stolen. The union is engaged in ongoing talks with the company
about this, any bulletins or memos can be found in the bulletin section, but for easy reference they will also be posted here.
If you are on leave of any kind, please contact Dave Wilson for further instructions.
We recommend that you sign up for Equifax until further notification. There are tokens for a 1 years free subscription for credit monitoring.
- Memo #1 on BTS Cyber attack - September 8, 2022
- Memo #2 on BTS Cyber attack - September 22, 2022
- Memo #3 on BTS Cyber attack - October 5, 2022
- Cyber Attack Q and A
- Update on how to access tokens and 5 years of protection
Representing telco workers from Bell, Expertech, Bell Technical Solutions and Transervice in the Niagara Region
Join the Unifor 43 mailing list for updates/reminders on meetings. To join, send an email from the address you want added with your name and bargaining unit to the recording secretary UNIFOR 43
NOTE: Personal email addresses only, company emails will not be accepted